Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Pictures from Topsail Island

Redmond, Sadie and I returned from the beach about 2 and a half weeks ago, and we're just now uploading our pics. Mainly, I couldn't find the cord that connects my camera to the computer until the other day. As usual, 75% of our pictures were blurry and unusable, but here are some of the winners....

The view from the back door...

James and Emily's two month old daughter, Pippa.... Isn't she wee and lovely?

Sadie has a wee (my favorite word today) crush on Alex. He's several years older than she, but that doesn't stop her from flirting and attempting to consume his entire face....

Sadie chills with Daddy....

Rachel with her son Henry and Josh and Jen's daughter Molly. Yes, this house was FULL of various pitters and patters of wee feet.

Missy, chilling at the table. Last year, Jen and I were the token expectant mothers. This year, Rachel and Missy served in this role.

James and Emily getting ready to take a beach walk with Pippa

The two mamas to be...

Sadie on the beach...

Dan and Henry hanging out on the kitchen floor.

Brian sleeping with a beer.

Our child, being used as a marionnette.

Josh and Molly.

Solid food is SO much fun...

And upon return, Sadie helps us with the laundry..