It's been a long week... Sadie took ill with a cold last Saturday night and then passed it along to me... I dropped a ginormous laptop on my foot last week and am still limping around... This weekend, we finally completed our transition downstairs from pet odiferous carpet to Pergo... I swear, if we had one square inch of carpet in the house, the cats would hunt it down and make sure they spit up right there....
These pictures are from Missy's baby shower at Dana and Finley's house last weekend... And I snuck one in of Mom and Sadie as I found them when I came home one day last week...
Mom and Sadie sacked out...

Waiting to head out to the party... Sadie's sporting cherries...

Hee... I love the double chin shot...

Missy and Brian open gifts...

I look like I'm ready to pass out here... The children all played outdoors on a blanket... Infants don't really play together as much as they just kind of wriggle around obliviously in each others' space. The "mine, mine" phenomenon hasn't reared its ugly head yet. Occasionally, the infants bump into one another and realize they are encountering other sentient beings, and then they generally just wave their arms around like Godzilla and squeal.

Josh and Molly...

I believe I am going to start the National Archive of Nose Biting Pictures. We decided after this day to wean Sadie from this habit, as she actually caused Alex pain after the picture was taken.

This is just too sweet...

And here is the belly measuring contest. The winner got, what, I'm not sure.... Maybe a punch in the face?? My sense of spatial relations is all wrong, so I think I am due a giant kick in the nose....

I like this artsy, moody shot. Well, really, it's just that I still don't know how to operate this $#$# camera yet, but we'll say it's an artistic choice, eh?

I'm not sure, but it appears here that Alex is trying to feed my child small metal pellets. I guess that's proper punishment for nosebiting.

I don't know why I find her look of confusion here so adorable. There's nothing cuter than a confused looking child wearing cherries...

More frolicking on the blanket. I'm running out of creative ways to say "HEY! LOOK AT MY BABY! SHE'S DOING BABY THINGS! AND I CAN'T PICK WHICH PICTURES TO POST SO YOU HAVE TO SEE THEM ALL!!!"

Sadie finally has crawling down like a science. This means that in two seconds flat, she can make it from the kitchen to the office, where she scoops out bits of dog food WHILE our dog is eating it. And dunks it in his water bowl. And attempts to turn over the water bowl. All while we're running after her.

Griffin, hangin' out at the home front. I wonder how he felt about having his backyard invaded by babies....

Sadie in between tosses in the air...

Molly desperately wants to crawl into Pippa's car seat...

Finley and Griffin...