So, you've probably noticed that our blog has been a bit more sparse lately. Part of this has been a result of being too busy and not having my camera around when I need it. However- the most challenging aspect of "documenting" our family life these days is that Sadie never stands still for two seconds. Snapping a picture of her actually looking at the camera is next to impossible. She's too busy stuffing building blocks in the holes in our surround sound speakers, dumping her sippy cup in the trash can, and turning over dog food bowls to actually pose for a picture. And when we try to hold her still, the picture's composition includes several still, smiling adults, and one grimacing, squirming blur. Urp!
This weekend, we attended a friend's son's first birthday party. Happy Birthday, Griffin! Dana and Finley were lucky that the weather was so fair. The temperature crept into the seventies all weekend long.
Here is Dana with Griffin, the birthday boy.

Our friend Siobhan and her 6 week old baby girl, Riley. Sadly, the other shots I took of Riley turned out too dark to post. She is so wee and lovely.

Sadie spent much of the time obsessively hoarding two wiffle balls.

Here is a group of us, all squished together in Dana and Finley's backyard.

Missy bjorning Lila about. What a sweet baby....
Sadie flirts with an older boy.
A rare reflective moment.
The birthday boy surveys his kingdom.
Redmond with Sadie and Dana with Griffin.... Terms of dowry are being discussed...
Chillin' on the porch....

Missy and Lila, who is finally displaying eyeballs...
Sadie loves playing outdoors these days. I actually measured a temperature of 76 degrees on Sunday. Global warming or El Nino? You be the judge. I certainly enjoyed spending the day outdoors in the sun with a t-shirt on in January. My father spent Sunday night with us, but the rascal snuck off without being the subject of any useable pictures. Here are some pics of Sadie playing outside in the yard...

Sadie is in training to be a dowser. I'm looking for dowsing online message boards for her to begin networking...
Ahoy! Water, there be! Arrrrr! Wait, that's pirate speak, not dowser speak....
The divining rod becomes a mere stick....
And a tasty snack...
Commander Chaos marches off for mischief making...
The pink car is a thing of perfection. We go out for a "drive" almost every day. For some reason, she much prefers the pink car to her stroller. Thank goodness she likes it, as I am in dire need of regular exercise and taking her in the stroller was not a pleasant experience.

I didn't do it. Nobody saw me do it. I want to speak to grandma. (phrase courtesy of a gift from my aunt Sylvia)