Vacation, part 2
I am sitting here in my hotel room in Decatur, Georgia, having arrived early for a business meeting and a training seminar. I am meeting with our book jobber rep in a bit and we're supposed to go see the Annie Liebovitz exhibit at the High Museum of Art and go over our library's approval plan and take care of some other business and go somewhere for dinner. Tomorrow I am attending an all-day Solinet Institute class on the future of Technical Services. Right this second, I am getting ready to take a short nap, as I've been awake since 3:15 am (6 am flights are evil). Decatur is a cute little town. It doesn't seem as much suburban as it seems like an old small southern town smooshed next to Atlanta that has been gentrified and Bobo-i-fied. I passed several Starbucks and local coffee joints as I walked to the hotel from the Marta, and there's this sort of atmosphere of "I used to be bohemian in college, but what can I say- I was tired of starving and the 120K offer was too tempting, but I still like to hang out in coffee shops and brew pubs and ethnic restaurants to pretend like I'm still young and anti-corporate life. Yeah, that kind of sounds like Redmond and me, minus my 120 K offer, so I am aware that the goddess of irony is getting ready to smack me on the head.
As promised, here are some more vacation pics... If you didn't yet see the last entry, "Vacation, part 1", then make sure you scroll down to the last entry after you are done with this one. Goodness, I am issuing commands to our visitors! Sorry about that!
I also have a couple of short films, which I will post later this week...
So, first of all, for those who asked, Sadie is back to her normal, toddler-on-steroids self. Whatever she had, it passed through very quickly and we're wondering if we might have just waited it out at the mountains. However, it's hard to be somewhere so remote and have no idea what's wrong with a small child who doesn't have a sufficient vocabulary to really explain what's hurting. Ah well...
These pictures are from our Saturday visit to the Museum of Life and Science in Durham. I think I have posted pictures several times already from this museum, but it's interesting to me to follow how each visit, she interacts more with the exhibits and animals.
Redmond carrying Sadie around.
Checking out the tropical flowers in the Butterfly House.
I just realized that there are no actual butterflies in our pictures of the butterfly house. Oops!
Sadie peers at psychedelic neon frogs and her own reflection.
Said psychedelic frogs. There were blue and red ones as well. Pretty cool!
Ah, the Sound Garden. The cacophony of dozens of toddlers and children all banging on drums and bells. Occasionally, a grownup who actually plays drums strolls by and can't help displaying his or her chops.
It's really only fun to play if someone is watching...
Sadie may have a future ahead as a bell dinger...
Sadie loved the giant sandbox.

And... we're back over at the bells, but we have absconded with the sand bucket.
Sadie did NOT want to leave the museum.
As promised, here are some more vacation pics... If you didn't yet see the last entry, "Vacation, part 1", then make sure you scroll down to the last entry after you are done with this one. Goodness, I am issuing commands to our visitors! Sorry about that!
I also have a couple of short films, which I will post later this week...
So, first of all, for those who asked, Sadie is back to her normal, toddler-on-steroids self. Whatever she had, it passed through very quickly and we're wondering if we might have just waited it out at the mountains. However, it's hard to be somewhere so remote and have no idea what's wrong with a small child who doesn't have a sufficient vocabulary to really explain what's hurting. Ah well...
These pictures are from our Saturday visit to the Museum of Life and Science in Durham. I think I have posted pictures several times already from this museum, but it's interesting to me to follow how each visit, she interacts more with the exhibits and animals.
Redmond carrying Sadie around.