Camera overload!
So, we made up for lost time this weekend by taking twenty ton pictures... I'm going to divide the pictures up into two or three entries... Scroll down to see all the pics... (Unless, of course, you don't feel like it) ;-)
On Saturday, we attended Twyla's birthday party in Wilson Park in Carrboro. Along with the birthday girl, we saw Griffin , Dana and Finley (and baby #2, who is on the way), and met Mary Alicia and Paula's little girl Katie for the first time.
On Sunday, we decided to go to the zoo in Asheboro. It was an absolutely beautiful day- blue sky, low humidity, reasonable temperature. Sadie is in a serious animal stage, and she regaled us with various and sundry animal noises all day. She especially loved the elephants and the monkeys (she called a gorilla Daddy).
Here's the first set of pics...
First, various and sundry "CHEESE!" pics. Sadie has all of a sudden taken to posing for pictures. She will hand me the camera, wait for me to turn it on, and say "CHEESE!". Here is a collection of recent cheeses....
Diaper-only cheese...
Cheese with hat, which she put on herself....
Cheese, after eating a brown crayon...
Cheese in Halloween outfit... The first day the temperature slid ever so slightly under 80 degrees and I'm already pulling out the fall wardrobe...

Twyla's party...
Here's the birthday girl! Twyla just turned 2.
Sadie and unidentified child with binky on the playground set....
Looking contemplative... Or sullen... Take your pick!

Daddy being the baby whisperer... One meltdown averted!

Katie, basically being 1. I had forgotten how precarious the "pulling-up and cruising" stage was for Sadie... This cute little girl was constantly grabbing the tablecloth and pulling, and cruising for things to put in her mouth. I take for granted now being able to leave the room temporarily without worrying that Sadie will choke to death on something or pull down a bookcase on her head, but I remember not being able to take my eyes off her for one second...
Getting sleepy on the playground floor...
Taking a brief rest...
Swing time!
Twyla and her grandmother, Mary Alicia and Katie, and Daddy and Sadie... Two swings and three kids= potential recipe for disaster! Luckily, we worked it out.. Sadie can be very possessive of her swings...

Finley and Griffin... I had a picture of Dana, but it came out all blurry..
Sadie found a little cloth book full of animal pictures and was temporarily fixated.

More to come...
On Saturday, we attended Twyla's birthday party in Wilson Park in Carrboro. Along with the birthday girl, we saw Griffin , Dana and Finley (and baby #2, who is on the way), and met Mary Alicia and Paula's little girl Katie for the first time.
On Sunday, we decided to go to the zoo in Asheboro. It was an absolutely beautiful day- blue sky, low humidity, reasonable temperature. Sadie is in a serious animal stage, and she regaled us with various and sundry animal noises all day. She especially loved the elephants and the monkeys (she called a gorilla Daddy).
Here's the first set of pics...
First, various and sundry "CHEESE!" pics. Sadie has all of a sudden taken to posing for pictures. She will hand me the camera, wait for me to turn it on, and say "CHEESE!". Here is a collection of recent cheeses....
Diaper-only cheese...

Twyla's party...
Here's the birthday girl! Twyla just turned 2.

Daddy being the baby whisperer... One meltdown averted!

Katie, basically being 1. I had forgotten how precarious the "pulling-up and cruising" stage was for Sadie... This cute little girl was constantly grabbing the tablecloth and pulling, and cruising for things to put in her mouth. I take for granted now being able to leave the room temporarily without worrying that Sadie will choke to death on something or pull down a bookcase on her head, but I remember not being able to take my eyes off her for one second...

Finley and Griffin... I had a picture of Dana, but it came out all blurry..

More to come...