New videos...
Since we're off to Charleston, South Carolina, tomorrow, I figured I would upload a few videos today to make room on my camera for our upcoming trip. Sadie has asked us each morning if we are going to Charleston that day, and every time we try to tell her how many days it will be before we leave, she cries and says "I want to go to Charleston TODAY!" So, tomorrow, she'll be a happy camper when we she realizes that the trip is finally here.
Here are a few clips from the past few weeks...
Sadie's class had a Halloween party, and parents were invited. Here she is, distractedly singing "Five Little Pumpkins" with her class. She was constantly looking around to make sure we were watching her...
These next few clips are from a recent trip to the Museum of Life and Science...
Watching the alligators and owls...
I know a lot of people find possums squicky, but this one was rather cute...
Sadie had fun playing in this little space shuttle...
These clips are from Hailey's birthday party at the Puppet Theater in Raleigh-
All the kids got to be part of the puppet theater and hang out on stage during the program. Sadie, however, is showing early signs of being just like her mama; in her own little bubble world. Here, she plays with a stuffed turkey while the other kids participate in the play.
In the next two clips, Sadie enlists her little friend Lila in the "I'm not going to pay attention to what's going on around me" game.
Here are a few clips from the past few weeks...
Sadie's class had a Halloween party, and parents were invited. Here she is, distractedly singing "Five Little Pumpkins" with her class. She was constantly looking around to make sure we were watching her...
These next few clips are from a recent trip to the Museum of Life and Science...
Watching the alligators and owls...
I know a lot of people find possums squicky, but this one was rather cute...
Sadie had fun playing in this little space shuttle...
These clips are from Hailey's birthday party at the Puppet Theater in Raleigh-
All the kids got to be part of the puppet theater and hang out on stage during the program. Sadie, however, is showing early signs of being just like her mama; in her own little bubble world. Here, she plays with a stuffed turkey while the other kids participate in the play.
In the next two clips, Sadie enlists her little friend Lila in the "I'm not going to pay attention to what's going on around me" game.