Friday, January 30, 2009


The last couple of weeks have been a whirlwind of activity, and I have fallen behind on blogging! Unfortunately, we've been so busy that we've forgotten to take our camera much of the time, so I've missed some great photo and video ops. And Sadie just keeps getting sillier and sillier, so I have kicked myself several times when she's doing something wacky and my camera is not around.

A couple of funny things that have happened recently. One evening, Sadie was just moving her carrots around her plate without eating them. Sigh... I won't even go into the difficulties we're having in inspiring the child to eat vegetables. As an obsessive worrywart, I'm convinced she's going to get scurvy or some other pirate disease. Anyway, Mom and Redmond were home with her- I was out somewhere. One of them told Sadie "You should eat your carrots- they're good for your eyes!" A few moments later, they looked back at Sadie and she was actually trying to shove a carrot slice in each eyeball. Toddlers are so literal minded!

Our friend Missy had another baby recently, and we told Sadie while Missy was pregnant that Missy had a baby in her tummy. We then told her that she was once in Mommy's tummy. Soon after, she stuck her head under my shirt. I asked her what she was doing and she said "I'm trying to get back in your tummy, Mommy!"

In the car on the way to the bowling alley, Sadie said "I want a beer!" I incredulously made her repeat her sentence, as I thought my hearing must be off. Once again she said "I want a beer!". I asked "Who gave you beer?". She answered, "Daddy did- at the bowling alley!" By this point, I figured she must be mistaken- OR, Redmond was in big trouble. When we arrived at the bowling alley, I looked around, and no alcohol is served there. However, over at the concession stand, ROOT beer was available as a fountain drink. She pointed at the picture of the root beer and said "There it is- beer!". So, Redmond's off the hook, but I'm not sure that giving a three year old root beer is the healthiest treat... I also said "Sadie, make sure that when you tell people about this, that you say ROOT beer". I would hate for her to announce at school that her daddy gives her beer at the bowling alley.

Last point of interest- Sadie has informed us recently that she's afraid of giants, comets, asteroids, meteors, black holes and robots. That's a pretty lengthy list, and sometimes at night, I have to reassure her that her room is bereft of all of these things. And yes, I said room. She's finally sleeping in her own room, though around 4 am, she usually trots her Thomas blankie and Thomas pillow (Ugh- we've been cajoled into purchasing licensed products) into our room and asks to crawl in our bed. This is still an improvement!

On to the pictures. I'll have films up soon...

Yet another Marbles visit...

"Me, I want- a hula hoop"

Child in a tube...

Fireman Sadie. This theme comes up later in this blog...

She calls herself "King Sadie". I asked "Do you mean QUEEN Sadie?" and she answered- "No- YOU are the queen. I am the king. Daddy is the Toy Prince."

Thesbian Sadie.

Preparing to enter the Pirate Ship.

A contemplative pirate. Arrrrr!

Awesome slide at Daddy's school.

We have joined the minivan brigade. Redmond cracked a few jokes about his manhood dangling from the rear view mirror, but really, it's great on trips. I love being able to move from the front to the back without parking. And Sadie can use a miniature potty inside the van with ease. I feel like a ginormous cliche, but I'm trying not to think about it much. It comes in handy, for sure.
Sadie, um, rocks.
Tubes make such great "artsy" playground shots, don't they?

So, we actually had SNOW on January 20th. It wasn't much, but in NC, one flake causes a stampede to the grocery store for milk and bread, and everything pretty much shuts down. The upside was that we were able to stay home on Inauguration Day and watch Obama being sworn in. We also played in the snow and made hot chocolate. What a wonderful day!

I debated as to whether or not I was going to post this picture. Sadie's getting to the age where she's getting a bit old for half naked pictures. But this was just too cute to not post. I may regret this later, and I may take it down soon...I present the half naked fairy princess....

My Bridger kitty...

And Madison, who often "stinks" outside the box...
Here are some pictures from Malcolm's birthday party. He just turned three. His mother took advantage of a free service where fire fighters come to childrens parties and bring a fire truck. They talk to the kids about fire safety and then let the kids get on the truck. The kids had a great time!

Here's the birthday boy...
Sadie immediately put on her fire fighter t-shirt and a fire fighter hat...
Malcolm, sticking his tongue out for some unknown reason...

Fire fighters teaching kids about fire safety...
And on we go to the fire truck!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A few films from Christmas vacation

Here are a few video clips from our vacation...

Sadie enjoys bowling... and dancing at bowling alleys...

Sadie and her friend Malcolm had a playdate recently. They are so cute playing together! Here, they are running around and around in circles...

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Pictures from Christmas vacation

Hi! Goodness, we've been so busy that we haven't added anything to the blog in a couple of weeks. While I prepare a proper entry, here's a link to a Flickr photostream of our vacation... Enjoy... I'll return with some videos as well...

Flickr photostream- Christmas Vacation 2008