Pictures, April
Whew! Here's a yoooge picture dump from our trip to Savannah and the Okefenokee Swamp, and some other assorted pictures.
In a few days, I'll try to upload our pictures from the farm tours this weekend. We have some cute videos as well...
We camped for several nights at Stephen H. Foster State Park on the edge of the Okefenokee Swamp. Our next door neighbors at the campground had an adorable 4 1/2 year old girl named Claire, and Sadie and Claire became fast friends. You'll see some pictures a little further down of Sadie and Claire. Unfortunately, my camera battery crapped out on my trip and it took some time before I could locate my charger and find a place to charge it up. So, I missed some great photo opportunities, but I think we ended up with some good pictures anyway.
We rented a small motorboat one day and set out into the swamp. We thought we would canoe, but canoes are tippy, and we have a three year old, so there you go. We figured we needed one person to steer the boat and one person to keep the child IN the boat. Fortunately, the frequency of alligator sightings kept Sadie motivated to stay put.
Because a freak cold snap had just passed through the Southeast, the alligators were desperately trying to warm up in the sun. It was a beautiful, warm, sunny day.
The family we met on our trip, the Brownyards, decided to go out boating with us. At one point, our motor went on the blink, and they had to tow us back to the Visitor's Center to get a new boat. I'm grateful that they turned around and noticed that we were no longer behind them, as we only had one paddle in our boat and there were alligators around us.
Check out these big guys!

Lots of beautiful lilypads....
We pulled over to visit an island in the middle of the swamp. This is the view that greeted us. A family had settled here for a couple of hundred years and squatted on the land. Eventually, the US government paid them to vacate their home.

The family maintained their own graveyard on this island...

Here is Sadie, with her friend Claire, walking on the trails on the island.

A metal structure of some kind, left behind.

We spent three nights in Savannah. Beautiful city! Here is River St.

This is Ft. Pulaski on Tybee Island. This is an old Civil War fort, with many tunnels to explore.
This was a mockup of the old officer's quarters.
Sadie enjoyed peeking through the windows and checking out the tunnels...

After we returned home, we took Sadie to Twyla's house for an Easter Egg hunt...
Sadie tried to get ALL of the eggs...

We followed up our week with a trip- yes, another trip- to the Museum of Life and Science.

Checking out the new cow...

I still have more to come! I will be uploading some of my phone pictures from our trip, as well as our pictures from the Farm Tours this year...
In a few days, I'll try to upload our pictures from the farm tours this weekend. We have some cute videos as well...
We camped for several nights at Stephen H. Foster State Park on the edge of the Okefenokee Swamp. Our next door neighbors at the campground had an adorable 4 1/2 year old girl named Claire, and Sadie and Claire became fast friends. You'll see some pictures a little further down of Sadie and Claire. Unfortunately, my camera battery crapped out on my trip and it took some time before I could locate my charger and find a place to charge it up. So, I missed some great photo opportunities, but I think we ended up with some good pictures anyway.
We rented a small motorboat one day and set out into the swamp. We thought we would canoe, but canoes are tippy, and we have a three year old, so there you go. We figured we needed one person to steer the boat and one person to keep the child IN the boat. Fortunately, the frequency of alligator sightings kept Sadie motivated to stay put.
Because a freak cold snap had just passed through the Southeast, the alligators were desperately trying to warm up in the sun. It was a beautiful, warm, sunny day.
I still have more to come! I will be uploading some of my phone pictures from our trip, as well as our pictures from the Farm Tours this year...