Sunday, May 24, 2009

Hawaii pics..

Just returned from Hawaii... Though most of my trip was spent in the Convention Center, I did manage to do some sightseeing with Mom. I can't wait to return with Redmond and Sadie, when she's a little older, but I think I'd do another island, such as Kauai or the Big Island...

Click on the picture below to see my picture album...

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Farm tours...

As promised, here are some more pictures. Last weekend, we stayed very busy. Dad was in town and we went on the annual Piedmont Farm Tours, just as we have for the past 5 years. This year, we decided to visit some new farms, and Sadie had her first pony ride...

Here are a couple of films of Sadie's first pony ride...

Before I get to the farm tour pictures, here are a few random pics from our last trip with Sadie to Planet Child. She wants to go there now just to dress up in costumes...

Spiderman, all domesticated in the kitchen...

Spiderman, driving an ambulance...

Spiderman and Darth Vader's love child...
Oddly dressed as a cheerleader...
Cheerleader, driving an ambulance...

Batman, sans mask...
I have no explanation for this costume... Puppy cheerleader???

Dad and Sadie hanging out before the farm tours...

As soon as we pulled into Baldwin Family Farms, our first farm, we turned around to see Sadie passed out cold...
Charolais cows are naturally low in fat and cholesterol...
We took a tour in a tractor pulled wagon, and rode first through the "maternity ward". This calf was just born...

We moved on to Avillon Fiber Farm, where fiber producing goats, sheep and rabbits are raised.

Spence's Educational Farm in Chapel Hill was a blast! Sadie immediately begged for her pony ride.

She found a new best friend in a hay maze. This little girl was Sadie's age and towered over her. Given that Sadie is in the 95% percentile for height, this little girl had to be off the charts!

We finished our farm tours at Pickards Mountain Eco-Institute, where animals and crops are farmed using alternative energy sources, such as biofuels and solar and wind energy. This is a compost outhouse. Sadie was completely fascinated with this potty!
There are several of these geodesic dome homes on the property. Apparently, people live in them. I was intrigued, and would love to have one of these on some mountain land someday.
We bumped into Mary Alicia, Paula and their daughter, Katie Bren on the farm. Robena and Philip's daughter, Twyla was with them, but I'm not sure if the kids managed to get into any of the pictures... There's Paula behind Redmond, watching as Sadie appropriates someone's tractor...

Sadie, checking out the livestock...
Ah- there's Twyla, two kids to the right of Sadie.
Katie Bren, checking out the chickens, roosters and guinea hens...
Our Maple View Dairy just opened an agricultural educational center, only a couple of miles up the road from us. Schools can come and tour the facilities, use the classrooms, and learn about farming. Here are some pictures of the animals behind the center...

Sadie finds llamas fascinating...

more oinkage.
This Wednesday morning, I am heading to Waikiki Beach, HI, for the annual Medical Library Association Conference. I'm going with Mom, and I know we'll have a great time, but I am dreading the inevitable ear issues that will arise. Every year in the spring, my ears fill with fluid and flying becomes excruciating. I am checking in with an ENT specialist tomorrow morning to see if something can be done to help. I am recovering from an ear infection and still feel a little stuffy inside my ears. I will greatly miss Redmond and Sadie. 8 days is a long time to be away from my little Boo. Anyway, I'll try to post some pictures of the island while I am away...