Friday, April 28, 2006

Piedmont farm tour

Last weekend, we took the bug to the annual Piedmont Farm Tours. For two days, 31 area sustainable farms opened their doors (or fields) to visitors. We decided to visit Celebrity Dairy and Benjamin Vineyards. Here are some pics from our visit.

Standing in front of the lovely Celebrity Dairy, home of yummy goat cheese.

Goat on a table. ??

Incarcerated goat.....

One very aggressive Tom Turkey...

Redmond and Sadie are enjoying wine tasting at Benjamin Vineyards and Winery a bit too much...

Touring the vines...

The Bumbo chair- world's greatest invention for babies that can't completely sit up on their own...

Sadie, bein' coy...

Redmond and Sadie... One day, I'll actually let him use the camera, so you can see I exist...

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Sadie chillin' at the Orange County Red Roof Inn

Hello, friends! Redmond and I have been keeping quite busy now. Redmond's on leave, but he's still active with his Technology Student Association (TSA) group, and I'm busy at work. We've been spending a lot of time outdoors this spring, and we even pulled our trusty GPS unit back out. Mom will be moving here within weeks, and we're looking forward to it.

Sadie is 16 lbs, 10 oz, and is 26 inches long. She's about 6 months old. Here are some new pics..

Whee! Our new roof! We should be able to hear the pitter patter of hurricanes now....

Even the garage has a new hairdo! We had the roofer dude take off the ginormous satellite dish (the West Virginia state tree, of course!)

Sweet Sadie in a floppy sun hat...

Sadie eating sweet potatoes for the first time. Transitioning to solid food is a daily...erm... adventure...

Hey- where did these toes come from?

Sitting pretty in her Bumbo chair...

Sunday, April 02, 2006

It's about time....

Yeah, yeah. I know. We're struggling not to become another statistic- yet another abandoned blog. We have new Sadie pics, so without further delay....

Redmond comes about twice a week to where I work and we head over to Duke Gardens for lunch. The gardens are unbearably lovely and one of the best fringe benefits to working at Duke.

Redmond maniacally eats lunch...

The spring flowers look lovely on the terrace...

Lovely field of grass and blooming trees...

Tailgating in the gardens parking lot...

Sadie detests tummy time, though she often makes a show of enjoying it in front of the pediatrician, who simply shakes her head in dismay when we tell her that we can't seem to make Sadie tolerate the exercise. Here's a rare moment when we actually were able to drape her over her Boppie.

The little babushka loves scarves...

Sadie loves her little jumper/swing, though often, she just sits and chews on the sides.