Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Sadie chillin' at the Orange County Red Roof Inn

Hello, friends! Redmond and I have been keeping quite busy now. Redmond's on leave, but he's still active with his Technology Student Association (TSA) group, and I'm busy at work. We've been spending a lot of time outdoors this spring, and we even pulled our trusty GPS unit back out. Mom will be moving here within weeks, and we're looking forward to it.

Sadie is 16 lbs, 10 oz, and is 26 inches long. She's about 6 months old. Here are some new pics..

Whee! Our new roof! We should be able to hear the pitter patter of hurricanes now....

Even the garage has a new hairdo! We had the roofer dude take off the ginormous satellite dish (the West Virginia state tree, of course!)

Sweet Sadie in a floppy sun hat...

Sadie eating sweet potatoes for the first time. Transitioning to solid food is a daily...erm... adventure...

Hey- where did these toes come from?

Sitting pretty in her Bumbo chair...


Blogger Poppy said...


I am inappropriately in love with the sound of rain on a tin roof! I must come and stay for a looooong time during rainy season :)

Ms. Sadie certainly looks lurvely in her sunbonnet! My how she's growing. My little peach is growing my leaps and bounds too! Getting very verbal which can be interesting to say the least!

Hope to talk to you soon. Give me a call sometime or drop me a line letting me know when a good time for you is!!

Huge Hugs,

10:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the tin roof. Cool pics of Sadie!

12:46 PM  
Blogger rachel, danny, henry, claudia, and walter said...

Hey - the roof is great! It really adds to the whole in the woods theme. Sadie is so sweet - she looks serene - however, the last time I saw her she was not looking as content. She is lovely. Can't wait to spend more time with her. Love, Rachel and fam

1:49 PM  

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