birthdays and slides
I have some odds and ends this week... I wasn't able to post an entry last week, so I am posting some pictures and videos from the past couple of weeks.
We had a wonderful time at Lucas and Lily's second birthday party in Chesapeake. We saw Redmond's mom and his older brother there, neither of whom we've seen in quite some time. The twins were adorable as always... I have some pictures from that event, and also, some random pictures of Sadie playing at home and on Meemaw's playground.
Here's Sadie on Mom's playground. Daddy is trying to coax her to come down the slide, but she really would prefer to see Daddy slide. Watch them negotiate.
The great present unwrapping at Lucas and Lily's party. Watch Sadie try to horn in on the presents.
One little monkey, jumping on the bed...
Here's Lucas, playing to the paparazzi...

Redmond's mother, holding the birthday boy...

Whee! Bling!

Lily looks around for more bling..
Sadie, on Lucas and Lily's rocking horse, with jumper on...

Sadie, on Lucas and Lily's rocking horse, with jumper off, replaced by a bow on the head...

Here's Sadie at home, fixated on her trains... Peepaw usually brings an engine every time he visits, so Sadie often announces "Peepaw bring TRAIN".

This is Meemaw's new playground...

Sadie has eschewed the baby bucket swing for the "grownup" swing now.

Coming down the slide...

Do we have to go home yet?
We had a wonderful time at Lucas and Lily's second birthday party in Chesapeake. We saw Redmond's mom and his older brother there, neither of whom we've seen in quite some time. The twins were adorable as always... I have some pictures from that event, and also, some random pictures of Sadie playing at home and on Meemaw's playground.
Here's Sadie on Mom's playground. Daddy is trying to coax her to come down the slide, but she really would prefer to see Daddy slide. Watch them negotiate.
The great present unwrapping at Lucas and Lily's party. Watch Sadie try to horn in on the presents.
One little monkey, jumping on the bed...
Here's Lucas, playing to the paparazzi...

Redmond's mother, holding the birthday boy...

Whee! Bling!

Lily looks around for more bling..

Sadie, on Lucas and Lily's rocking horse, with jumper off, replaced by a bow on the head...

Here's Sadie at home, fixated on her trains... Peepaw usually brings an engine every time he visits, so Sadie often announces "Peepaw bring TRAIN".

This is Meemaw's new playground...

Sadie has eschewed the baby bucket swing for the "grownup" swing now.

Coming down the slide...

Do we have to go home yet?