Aunt Sylvia sent us some pictures from our Vermont trip and frankly, she's a better photographer than I, so here is a slideshow of her pictures...
Here are a few highlights...
On the ferry across Lake Champlain...

Picnic lunch at Shelburne Farms..

Being pulled by a tractor...

Uncle David, Aunt Diane and Aunt Sylvia watching TV...

Sadie milking a cow...

We had lots and lots of delicious sweet corn from the Nichols farm almost every night... Sadie could have eaten it day and night...

Taking a quick swim in Lake Champlain...

Sadie, petting a sheep...

We loved this display at Shelburne Farms...

Now, on to something both slightly embarrassing and amusing... My old high school buddies have been scanning and posting pictures from back in the day on Facebook in the past couple of weeks. Here is living proof that I am a child of the 80's...
I'm guessing this picture was taken in 1985 or 1986 during my freshman year of college. I determined this by calibrating hair length with this particular shade of red. This may have been around the time I took out my short-lived nose ring. Karen Kriner is wearing a leopard print shriner hat. We have the appropriate sullen looking goth facial expressions...

This would be in 1983 or 1984, my junior year of high school. Here's Karen Kriner and myself standing on the sidewalk designated for "punks". To my right is Kim Tharp wearing a trenchcoat. Thom Stanton is behind us, mysteriously clutching a trash can. To our left is what we used to call "goathead wall", where the, um, stoners who liked classic rock hung out. If you could pan to the front and right of us, you'd see "prep wall", which is pretty self explanatory. Can you believe the smoking kids? Back then, the principal used to occasionally come out and smoke with us. The world has certainly changed.

I have absolutely no idea who this boy is. He wasn't anyone I dated. But this is the only current picture I have of me with blonde hair. I have a slew of pictures to scan, but haven't gotten around to it yet.

Here's some of the "motley crew". In the front is Kim, Tasha, me and Karen K.

Here I am- probably early in my sophomore year of high school- I can tell because I still look relatively "normal" and the clothing style was fairly preppy in the early 80's. I was at my friend Elena's house. I'm not sure why I had my palms up- I don't recall ever having stigmata or anything.

Elena lived in a lovely home by a very wide river and we used to hang out in the yard and enjoy the view.

This would have been 1987 or 1988. This was an old boyfriend who was heading across the country on a trip. I was trying to sneak in his suitcase. Gosh, I was so thin back then!

Oh my. Talk about dated! I'm guessing this was early 1983, probably taken soon before the picture of me in Elena's house. This was one of my first boyfriends. Remember back in middle school when the little girls grew so much faster than the little boys?

Karen recently scanned my junior year yearbook photo. I remember picking up this silly purple men's tuxedo shirt at the Salvation Army, and I found these awful purple feather earrings that look like roach clips. Ouch.

Ok- we were dressed for a costume party. This was a bit wild- even for us! This is Amy, Andy, myself, Karen K and John.

My friends threw a surprise birthday party sleepover for me when I turned 16. This photo screams "80s! 80s! 80s!" Look at how young my Dad looks here! He was 46.

This picture was probably taken around 1988 or 1989. Someone should have clued me in that fishnet stalkings look rather silly with denim shorts.

I think this might have been 1989, but after the preceding picture. I chopped off all that hair in the summer, as I often do. Another old boyfriend, who is sporting a mullet!

Technically, this is the 90's, but I thought I'd throw this one in. Obviously, this was taken on my wedding day. Karen K is posing with me. She and Elena actually took the initiative to have their bridesmaid gowns made for them. I planned my Virginia wedding from Montana, Redmond and I were starving students, and I had a lot of help from friends and family to pull it all together. The stunning floral arrangement was made by Debi, my father's wife. There were succulents in the arrangement, so I had another bouquet made that I could throw without spiking anyone...

I am very much anti cake-smooshing. I believe that there is most likely a positive correlation between cake smooshing and whether or not a couple ends up divorcing... Redmond was a very gentle cake feeder.

This weekend, we are going to Grayson Highlands State Park with a few families to camp for Labor Day. Here's hoping we can actually make it there this time!