Two birthday parties
Heh heh... My phone gets the silliest pictures....

Yes- it's been three weeks or so since I last blogged. I don't have any decent excuses, other than the normal "OMG I'm so crazy busy I don't even have time to use the restroom" variety.
Over the past couple of weeks, we've attended two birthday parties. The first was Amelia's first birthday party. Amelia is Griffin's sister and Dana and Finley's daughter. Then, the following weekend we headed to Chesapeake to Lucas and Lily's third birthday party. This was a whole adventure in itself, as we ended up staying in a motel that was taken over by gangs, and where the fire alarm on Saturday night went off on an hourly basis. It turns out that some "Valentine's Day Lovers" in the room down the hall from us were burning candles and incense, and that kept tripping off the fire alarm. I should have known we were in for a treat when we passed their room and saw fake rose petals sprinkled all over the carpet in front of their door. Ugh. Redmond, if you ever decide to get all romantic with me by booking a room at America's Best Value Inn in Norfolk... don't.
A couple of videos...
Sadie, Lucas and Lily had a grand time marching in the silly drum parade!
Like most kids, Lucas and Lily actually find the confetti inside birthday gift bags more exciting than the actual gifts...
Watch Sadie as we sing "Happy Birthday" to Amelia. There's a picture further down where you can see Sadie planning a stealthy cake attack in the corner of the picture...
On to pictures.... Here are some pictures from Amelia's party.

Every time we go to Dana and Finley's house, I always seem to get a picture of Sadie hanging out under their playground set.

I can't believe she managed to squish herself into Amelia's little Bumbo chair!

Grapes are so much fun to eat...
The happy Lee/Deaton family...

Look at the left bottom corner of this picture... See our little stealth cake stealer?

Here are some pics from Lucas and Lily's party. Yes, Sadie's wearing the same party dress. She's obsessed with that thing. I think she wore it to school today...

Sadie loves to play with her little wooden pizza kit. Thanks, Uncle Robert and Aunt Marsha!

Yes- it's been three weeks or so since I last blogged. I don't have any decent excuses, other than the normal "OMG I'm so crazy busy I don't even have time to use the restroom" variety.
Over the past couple of weeks, we've attended two birthday parties. The first was Amelia's first birthday party. Amelia is Griffin's sister and Dana and Finley's daughter. Then, the following weekend we headed to Chesapeake to Lucas and Lily's third birthday party. This was a whole adventure in itself, as we ended up staying in a motel that was taken over by gangs, and where the fire alarm on Saturday night went off on an hourly basis. It turns out that some "Valentine's Day Lovers" in the room down the hall from us were burning candles and incense, and that kept tripping off the fire alarm. I should have known we were in for a treat when we passed their room and saw fake rose petals sprinkled all over the carpet in front of their door. Ugh. Redmond, if you ever decide to get all romantic with me by booking a room at America's Best Value Inn in Norfolk... don't.
A couple of videos...
Sadie, Lucas and Lily had a grand time marching in the silly drum parade!
Like most kids, Lucas and Lily actually find the confetti inside birthday gift bags more exciting than the actual gifts...
Watch Sadie as we sing "Happy Birthday" to Amelia. There's a picture further down where you can see Sadie planning a stealthy cake attack in the corner of the picture...
On to pictures.... Here are some pictures from Amelia's party.

Here are some pics from Lucas and Lily's party. Yes, Sadie's wearing the same party dress. She's obsessed with that thing. I think she wore it to school today...

Sadie loves to play with her little wooden pizza kit. Thanks, Uncle Robert and Aunt Marsha!