Monday, March 23, 2009

Sadie's diva 'tude

Mom informs me that Sadie is very much like me. I used to play piano and sing all the time, but would always stop as soon as someone walked into the room. I caught Sadie playing and singing her little three year old version of "Mary Had a Little Lamb" and well, you'll see how the little diva reacts....

So, I skulked away and continued to stealth-film....

This time, I thought that I could sneak a shot from her from behind a curtain. How was that workin' for me?

Here's Robot Sadie, shaking her sillies out...

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Ma Na Ma Na + pictures

Yes, I'm turning my daughter into a trained monkey... ;-)

Some recent pictures... Taken at MacDougle Elementary's playground this weekend.

Speaking of monkey...

We actually have to take Sadie places outside the neighborhood to allow her to ride her "tricycle". Our home is at the end of a very long, gravel driveway, and the main road into our neighborhood has too many steep drop-offs.
Redmond and his TSA students spent all of Saturday mixing and pouring concrete in several areas around the school. Looks like fun, and I can't believe no one snuck back later and put a hand or foot print on the drying concrete. The kids are really slipping these days...

Sadie had fun playing with Malcolm on Saturday night. They took turns crawling into a crab pot...

Sadie at her swimming lesson....

Last Monday, we had about 4-6 inches of snow, and neither of us had to go to work. We spent the day outside playing in the snowy woods...