Sunday, January 29, 2006

long overdue update!!!

Forgive me.. It's been a bit too long since my last update...

Lots going on.. I (Karen) returned to work this Monday after 14 wonderful weeks of maternity leave. On the one hand, I love my job and enjoyed getting back into the swing of things... On the other hand, I miss Sadie very much. Luckily, she's in great hands with her grandmother every day. And her grandmother will be closing on a house here in Chapel Hill in February! She will be living a mile away from us!

In three weeks, Aunt Sylvia is making the trip down from Vermont to spend a week looking after Sadie and my Dad is coming the week after that. Then, Redmond goes on leave and will be with Sadie until August, when Mom takes over. Whew!

New pics!

Tummy time!

Yay for increased motor skills!

All sacked out...

Does mommy ever change out of her bathrobe or comb her hair anymore?

Sadie meets Carolina and Ginny Shipp, daughters of his best friend Donald.

My little lamb...

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Assorted pics...

Forgive me. It's been a week or two since our last update... We're doing well. Sadie weighs about 12 pounds now and I am planning to return to work January 23rd. My mother, my dad and my aunt Sylvia will all be coming to pull a "shift" and then Redmond goes out on leave March 4th. Thank you to all of you who have generously offered to help us out!

Some new pics..

From Mom's last visit..

Sadie, the little angel...

And Sadie, proving the onesie correct... ;-)

Monday, January 02, 2006


Here's a link to a video of Sadie playing with her Fisher Price thingy. It's a You Send It link. Follow the directions to see the video...

Click here, then right click and save on the link...

A few new pics...

Mommy is wearing no makeup. In fact, Mommy is lucky these days if she changes out of her pajamas. But Sadie looks beautiful!

Sadie looks fetching in her new stripey outfit!

Sleepy and oh-so-innocent looking after an afternoon of fussin'. When she gets colicky, we call her "Fusstina Waaah-guilera".