So, we haven't updated the blog in the last week or two. Sorry! We've all been stricken with a nasty case of rotavirus. It started with me, and has worked its way through the whole family, including Mom. Poor Sadie has been sick now for 6 days. It's a rather nasty stomach virus that can last over a week. Anyway, I'll try to post some pictures in the next few days, as soon as I can take a picture of a family member that doesn't involve them slumped over praying to the porcelain god....
I procured a new card reader, and now, without further ado, I'll post some pics from our trip to Charleston. First, however, check out Sadie as she refuses to give Daddy back his glasses....
Sadie takes a break from staring at her reflection in the glass....
Throw your hands up in the air... and wave 'em around like you just don't care... Sadie attempts to "help" us with the laundry...
And this is what happens when Sadie attempts to "help" us FOLD the laundry...
Sadie and Obi in full relaxation mode....
Now, on to Charleston. I must confess that our selection of photos is rather lame. No historic buildings or southern belles or anything like that. I spent most of my time at the conference, and whenever we were in the historic downtown area, we forgot to take our camera along.
This is the "Audubon Swamp Garden" at the historic Magnolia Plantation. We took a short hike, because we didn't have to pay to do so. The plantation itself was a whopping $14 or so per person, and we pulled in at 4 pm and thought it would be ridiculous to pay at that point.
Very primordial looking. Or primieval. It's prime something, for sure.
Strollers and bobbing primitive wooden bridges traversing swampland are not compatible.
Don't let the placid look on Sadie's face fool you. She wants to free herself from the bondage of strollerdom. Sadie went off with Redmond during the day whilst I conferenced. Here, they played in the sand somewhere. I think he took her to the beach. You can tell this picture is somewhere beachy by the sand behind Sadie. Then again, this could be a giant sandbox. Anyway, she's cute.
Sadie struts her new walking style. She still reverts back to crawling when she wants to get somewhere in a hurry.
There is no way I would have managed to get out of Charleston without Redmond getting to see the ships and stuff at Patriot's Point. This is a giant aircraft carrier, which we toured. We also managed to squeeze ourselves and Sadie into a teeny, claustrophobic submarine. I have no idea how anyone can serve on a submarine without a huge supply of Paxil or Xanax.
Here's the USS Yorktown. Despite the fact that it would have never occurred to me to visit ships before I met Redmond, I actually enjoyed myself. On the top deck (you Navy types will mock me for my lack of proper terminology), there were bunches of airplanes. Here, Redmond and Sadie pose in front of one. If you REALLY want to see pictures of all the planes and boats, e-mail me, as I have many more.
Redmond and Sadie in the cockpit of a little fake plane for kids. I guess she's going to be a pilot someday... Although pilots don't generally turn around and poke the noses of their co-pilots...
This was a tired-looking Sadie and me, sitting in the dining area of that claustrophobic submarine. This was about the largest space on the entire boat. Yikes!
So, we also visited Edisto Beach State Park and Charleston proper. No pictures. We ate seafood in a restaurant that overlooked the Intracoastal Waterway and watched dolphins swim by during sunset. Guess what? No camera. Ugh. But we did find it impossible to resist the cheesy, kitchsy wonderland that is South of the Border. Blame Pedro. He beckoned to us over miles of billboards. Sadie and Redmond pose in front of the sign. No trip to South of the Border is complete without placing small children on silly plastic animals. Here's Sadie on her first Zebra printed Giraffe.
So, you've probably noticed that we have not updated our blog in a dog's age. For one thing, we spent almost a week in Charleston without internet access. However, I am sitting here dying to upload some pictures, but my memory card reader is broken and I can't find the original cord thingy that goes from my computer to my camera.
Why didn't I just run out and buy another memory card reader? Well, first of all, I didn't realize that the thingy in my camera is called a memory card and I certainly didn't realize the broken thingy was called a memory card reader. In fact, I thought it was some kind of Kodak proprietary thingy, so I was googling "Kodak card picture computer" at first. If I had more time, I could have just showed the thingy to one of my more camera savvy friends, but I honestly didn't know what I was doing. Now that I have finally identified the thingy as a memory card reader, I can proudly march into a Best Buy this afternoon and pick up a new one.
As a librarian, I find how we search for information a fascinating process. I won't bore you by deconstructing all the search steps I took, but it's interesting to me how people start from an unknown object and then build a knowledge system. And it also fascinates me to try to recall how I did this before the internet.
Anyhoo, we had a lovely trip to Charleston, SC. The weather was gorgeous- sunny and in the 60's and 70's during the day. I was attending the 26th Annual Charleston Conference- Issues in Book and Serial Acquisition , but we had a little time to take in the sights of Charleston. I hope to upload some pictures by the end of the weekend. Sadie enjoyed the trip, though the five plus hour drive each way was a stretch for her. She did really well until the last hour or so each way and then became restless. We had a portable DVD player to keep her occupied, but the side effect of that is that I cannot get the music from "The Backyardigans" out of my head now. I've been doing the "Yeti Stomp" for a week. Ack!
Without further ado, I am posting a couple of pics of Sadie in her Halloween costume. We'll add more over the weekend, along with my usual wordy commentary...
We went with Robena, Philip and Twyla to a Halloween event at Southern Village in Chapel Hill. Here we are with Robena and Twyla.
Sadie insisted on taking off the same sock over and over and then crawling away from us.