Monday, October 09, 2006


Lila Rose Philpot... Our friends Brian and Missy finally had their overdue baby on Friday night. We were beginning to think Lila would emerge with high school diploma in hand. Isn't she beautiful? She was 7 lbs, 8 oz, and 20 inches long.

Missy rests. Unfortunately, Lila was born only 4 minutes before midnight, so they missed out on an extra night in the hospital. We just dashed in, blinded everyone with flashes, and dashed back out, as I remember well how exhausted I was the day after labor.

Brian looks on; the proud daddy.

Sadie wonders who this tiny baby might be....

On Sunday, Redmond and his Technology Student Association (TSA) kids worked two booths at the Walk for Education carnival in Chapel Hill. His middle schoolers had a "fortune teller" booth, and his high schoolers had a hot dog booth. Redmond choose to hang out with the hot dogs. Unfortunately, it was windy and cold this weekend, and attendance at the carnival suffered. I showed up with Sadie and walked her around, as she needed her daddy fix. She's going through a serious Daddy phase right now. Daddy can't leave the room for five seconds or her entire world falls apart. However, she refers to him, and everyone else as "Mama". I remember one morning waking up, and Sadie turned to me in bed, smiled and said "Ma-ma". My heart swelled with pride and joy. Then she proceeded to regale the bedpost with "Ma-ma". And the cat. And the dog.

Redmond's booths. If you peer way to the back of the high school booth on the left, you'll see Redmond joyfully cooking dogs.

Redmond proudly displays a product sample.

My friend Danie (on the left) working at the Smith Middle School Odyssey of the Mind booth, which features a "Creature Feature Corner", where kids can make creatures or other thingamajigs out of scraps and oddball metal thingys.

Sadie plays with scraps.

Sadie and I take in the carnival sights. Sadie's sporting the "necklace" we made.

Daddy holds Sadie and her bling.

Sadie gives a steely glare.

This looks like an episode of "Pimp My Baby".


Blogger Poppy said...

omg I lurve Sadie's jacket!!! mooooooo!

*waves* hi to DanieP ;)

Thanks for the comment the other is seriously kicking my behind and today we all took a MAJOR blow to the heart :(

Know I'm thinking of you all the time and someday...I swear...someday...we shall speak!

Big bear hugs!

3:14 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

Sadie is better dressed than I am, and I'm pretty sure she's up on the mtv website in that stroller shot...
Thanks for telling us about Lila Rose! We are very excited!

10:34 PM  
Blogger amom2twins said...

Sadie is rockin' the fur and the bling!

7:58 AM  

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