Cleaned off the camera's hard drive...
And found a few random pictures to post. Some of them are poor quality and some are just plain silly, but here goes...
Sadie strikes out in Carr Mill Mall in search of the perfect broccoli casserole at Elmo's Diner. Yumm.

Crouching toddler, hidden diaper...
Since the weather has warmed up and the days are longer, we often take an evening stroll through the neighborhood. We usually head down the road and check out our two ponds and push Sadie's little gender specific pink car around the big pond on the rather ragged trail. The interesting bit is that we are usually joined by Obi-Wan, our faithful Lab, and one of our two cats, Madison. No matter how far we walk, our kitty stays close by and follows us just like a dog.
Here is our family, on the trail...

On the big pond, we are keeping our eyes on a nesting pair of Canada Geese, though we try to keep a healthy distance so they don't stress at the sight of two adults, a lumbering toddler, a dog and a cat. One goose usually floats around the lake, acting as a sentinel, while the other keeps a low profile on the floating platform nest. Mom swore she couldn't see a goose on the nest and thought she was looking at a log. Mom, that's no log.

Sadie is pounding random natural objects with a quartz rock...
"I Wanna ROCK! ROCK! I Wanna ROCK! ROCK!"
THIS is the reason that parents should probably not take toddlers to fine restaurants.
Sadie strikes out in Carr Mill Mall in search of the perfect broccoli casserole at Elmo's Diner. Yumm.

Crouching toddler, hidden diaper...

Here is our family, on the trail...

On the big pond, we are keeping our eyes on a nesting pair of Canada Geese, though we try to keep a healthy distance so they don't stress at the sight of two adults, a lumbering toddler, a dog and a cat. One goose usually floats around the lake, acting as a sentinel, while the other keeps a low profile on the floating platform nest. Mom swore she couldn't see a goose on the nest and thought she was looking at a log. Mom, that's no log.

Sadie is pounding random natural objects with a quartz rock...