Monday, March 19, 2007

Only strong stomachs need to apply...

How is it that some people remember to record their lives properly for blogging purposes? We had several great opportunities for picture taking this weekend, and totally spaced and just lived in the moment. How rude of us!

Mom and I met my friend Anne for breakfast at Saturday morning, did some shopping for new Sadie shoes, and managed to get Sadie her second haircut. Saturday night, Brian, Missy and Lila came over for dinner, and we totally forgot to snap some new pix of the happy family. Lila is holding herself up quite nicely, and is full of gummy smiles. She is about five and half months old now.

Sunday, we went to the Museum of Life and Sciences in Durham, and this was Sadie's first visit since she learned to walk. We took a train ride, which amused her for the first five minutes, and traumatized her the rest of the way. The sides of the cars were open, and we had to hang on to a squiggly, wriggly, crying toddler for what seemed like the longest 10 minutes of my life. I thought she'd vault right out the side. She did enjoy the butterflies and the barnyard animals, who served the purpose of being three dimensional language learning opportunities...

"Sadie! That's a COW. COOOOOOW. Can you say COOOOOOOOOW?"


"OMG, she said cow!"

"Sadie- see the PIG. PIIIIIIIIIIIG. Can you say PIIIIIIIIIG?"


"OMG, she said pig!"

She chased butterflies in the butterfly room "GAH!" and managed to keep us running after her most of the day. And yes, I left the camera in the car.

First, here's a new film. And I warn you, it's not for the weak stomached. Sadie was going a bit crazy with some Lo Mein, and we couldn't resist filming. Note that we strip her down to her diaper at meal time these days, as she just rips her bib off.

Sadie sports her new 'do and outfit, and prepares to pull every pair of her socks out of the orange chest of drawers.
Redmond took a series of shots of Sadie in the car while I waited for Chinese take out. I call them "Portrait of a runny-nosed, silly-faced tot".

Hopefully, we'll do something interesting next weekend AND bring the camera along!


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