Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Some assorted film clips...

As promised, I am beginning to upload some of the short videos we've taken this summer. I'll post some of the clips today, and will post some from the beach trip later this week... If you haven't checked our blog in a while, be sure to see the entry under this one for some recent pictures and a link to our Flickr photo album...

Sadie decides to share some of the animal sounds in her repertoire with Aunt Sylvia. Yes, I know... Pirates aren't animals, but children need to know that pirates say "Arrrr!"

This was taken at the Massie Gap trailhead at Grayson Highlands State Park. Sadie was running around in the grass....

And then, Sadie saw another family hiking in with a dog and decided they were more interesting than we...

On the trail, Daddy and Sadie stop for a brief giggling break...

Here's Sadie banging on all the drums at the sound garden at the NC Museum of Life and Science

We took Sadie to Elmo's Diner when my Aunt Sylvia was in town, and she displays some of her trademark silliness in the next few clips..

Here, we're trying to coax her into doing her little telephone play game. She picks up random objects all the time and pretends they are telephones. She usually says "Hello? Yeah? Blah blah blah... BYE!". Of course, like most kids, she doesn't want to perform on command.

Sadie loves running up and down the halls inside Carr Mill Mall, where Elmo's is located.

Sadie met a little boy who was about two and a half, and they ran screeching up and down the hall together.... I think she met her match, energy-level-wise...


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