Wednesday, June 20, 2007

our little monkey...

If you haven't checked the blog lately and want to see recent pics, scroll down after you read this.

Our crazy little monkey has yet again spent a lovely evening at the Urgent Care. Monday night, we ate at the Red Robin (yes, another restaurant that issues crayons at the door), and after dinner, Sadie crawled up on a video game seat. You know those video games where you drive a car through all kinds of dangerous high-speed tracks with fake scenery like polar bears in the background? Well, we're cheap and she's too young to actually drive anyway, so she just likes to turn the steering wheel and pretend. Anyway, we turned our heads for a microsecond and she fell off and landed on something pointed and sharp on the back of her head.

There's nothing that sends a mother into panic mode like seeing a child bleeding from a head injury. We jumped into the car and raced to the Urgent Care Center. By the time we reached the center, she had slowed down on the bleeding enough that we were not raced to the back. Instead, we hung out in the waiting room while Sadie began trying to climb on everything in sight. This child had blood stains on her shirt and streaks of bright red in her hair and she is already plotting her next mischief. She trotted a picture book over to a woman who was nursing a finger laceration. She threw balls across the room and shouted "I Get It!" and raced across the room to pick them up. Did I mention that children are incredibly resilient. She was faring far better than her panicking Mommy.

Anyway, she has those glue type stitches on the back of her head right now, but it's impossible to tell from her demeanor that anything happened.

New updates- I was a bit concerned that Sadie was picking up words a bit slowly, but all of a sudden, the floodgates have opened, and I hear something new every day. I'm realizing that there are some words she's had for a while that I didn't recognize. She's been saying "Thank you" when handed some milk or a new toy, but it comes out as "DEE doo". She says "up" and "down", "go", "shoes" and "I get it", among other words. When she sees a picture of a ghost she says "BOO!", hoots whenever she sees pictures or statues of owls, says "YIP! YIP! YIP! YIP!" when she sees a picture of Tyrone from the Backyardigans dressed as a cowboy (you'd have to watch the show to understand why) . And when she wants to go outside any room where she's stuck, she knocks on the door to beg us to open it.


Blogger Poppy said...

Ms. Sadie is quite the daredevil huh? Imagine I always had the feeling a child of yours was going to be quite the handful :)

Glad she wasn't seriously injured. If it's any consolation my daughter has had more stitches than her brothers...combined.

Hang in's only just begun~

5:16 PM  
Blogger amom2twins said...

OMG! I dread the day I have to take one of the Twin's to the ER or a doc in a box for a injury.

I'm glad she is ok. I would have been freaking out. Well at least I think I would be although when I worked at the school and kids got hurt I couldn't freak out. So who knows how I would respond to one of the kids getting really hurt. Hopefully it will be a very long time before they do so I won't find out for a very super long time!

That is really great all the words she is and has picked up. They are amazing little creatures and they pick up more than we know. Kids are little sponges and tape recorders. You don't know what they pick up and/or how much until they yell someting profane in a public place! Just kidding!

7:32 AM  
Blogger Eliz and Steve said...

That is great about her words! And saying Dee Doo . . . that is too cute for . . . words!

Sorry about the fall and the stitches. I think I would be crying the whole time. I have come to the realization that if anything happens to Olivia, I cry harder than she does. What am I going to do?
She crawled away from me yesterday at a friends hous and went straight to some stairs I forgot about and took a tumble down them. It was about 5 steps and she more rolled down than anything. And I just wanted to keep crying even when she was ok! I feel for you on the boo boo and stitches thing. I hope I can be that strong.

11:29 PM  

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